Facts & FAQs

  • Parcel Locker Central emerges as a beacon of knowledge and a bridge between manufacturers and buyers amidst the growing demand for parcel lockers. Our platform eases the search for the right partner, offering a robust information source to navigate the bustling landscape of parcel locker manufacturers.

  • We differentiate from trade shows, logistics publications, and technology sales companies by providing a comprehensive and easily accessible platform dedicated solely to parcel lockers and services.

  • The potential is staggering, with the global smart parcel delivery locker industry projected to reach $1.6 billion by 2028.

  • Our service is globally relevant, with primary focus areas being Europe, America, and Asia.

  • We serve as a one-stop information source for customers purchasing parcel lockers, simplifying their search and decision-making process.

  • Our revenue generation is expected to stem from advertising, paid services, content promotions, and business consulting.

  • Manufacturers are drawn in through personal outreach, while buyers are attracted via SEO development and targeted promotions.

  • Our platform saves customers hours of Google searching, connecting them to the most suitable service and technology providers.

  • Our user base varies greatly in technical understanding, from advanced last-mile delivery companies to smaller retailers with little understanding of parcel lockers.

  • We aim to feature the main parcel locker manufacturers and rank on the first page of Google search when customers seek parcel lockers.

  • Manufacturers primarily inquire about promotion strategies on our platform and the number of leads they can expect.

  • Our performance is measured by the number of manufacturers onboarded, SEO keyword ranking, total views, and revenue.

  • We aim to streamline the information exchange process, facilitating easy contact between customers and manufacturers.

  • We maintain ongoing communication with manufacturers to stay updated and track their success.

  • We play a significant role in educating retail companies about parcel lockers, often explaining the technology and processes in detail.

Contact us anytime for a free AMA (Ask Me Anything) session!